Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Hurry up and Wait

It's been that kind of week. Seems like all the careful arrangements I have made to make work run smoothly over the last couple months have come to naught. Last minute changes/crises/issues...whatever...have forced me away from careful planning and smooth transition into the unenviable state of 'hurry-up-and-wait'. I'm a little frustrated with work right now, and that is just how it is. No one really wants to help me out, concerned only with their little piece of the project. While I understand that when you only have one piece that is all you focus on, I have to arrange the entire project...make sure it happens and happens in a timely manner...I could liken it to producing a play in which each actor forgets that they are not the only actor involved...well, enough bitching from me...just get the job done and hope there are no more 'issues' that have to be resolved before the curtain goes up.



At Friday, September 08, 2006 4:36:00 PM, Blogger Attila the Mom said...

Oh geez, I really really hate when this happens!!

I just want to run around and scream, "C'mon People! Sh*t or get off the pot already!!!!!!"


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